Friday, December 11, 2009

The vagary of fame

(Interesting, I have never used the word "vagary" before. I'm not sure I used it correctly in the post title, but it seems a shame to take it off now.)

Anyway, I am very excited tonight because I have discovered that we are internationally famous for our gingerbread houses. I learned this from the program I use to stalk my stalkers--it shows how many people have checked our website and blog, where they live, how long they stayed on each page, etc. It also shows what link they followed to get to my website, and I noticed tonight that tons of people were linking to this blog from a Google image search result for "log cabin gingerbread house". Try it yourself--currently we are the third result for that search phrase. This is super-fun. If you happen to be one of my very newest fans, here's the picture you were looking for:

The "logs" are big pretzel sticks (cut to fit), the roof is made of chocolate-covered grahams, and the chimney "stones" are this gross trail mix called "Sumo Mix" that you can buy at Sunflower Market, which consists of some kind of wasabi-coated nuts. And hey, while you're here, write a comment and tell me what you're doing with your gingerbread house this year.

The log cabin gingerbread house was a creation of 2008, so we're totally past that. I am in the process of building a fantastic Victorian house gingerbread creation, but it's not done yet, so I'm saving that for another blog posting.

In addition, a participant in one of my classes last week told me that he had mentioned to a friend that he was going to take a cooking class at Generous Servings, and the friend told him to make sure to check out our bathroom. We never thought we would be famous for our bathroom. As Jill said, it's not exactly what we dreamed, but there much worse things to be famous for.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you guys!I remember marveling at the precision of the cabin last year, and look forward to the Victorian creation. I suspect it's not the fixtures in the bathroom that are worth comment.

December 12, 2009 at 7:46 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

If you need new dog certificates I happen to have two. I like wasabi peas snack mix.

December 13, 2009 at 2:36 PM  
Blogger Tami said...

Just came across your log cabin gingerbread house. It's darling. Thanks for posting and sharing your ideas.

November 3, 2011 at 5:06 PM  

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